domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

T. S. Elliot: The Waste Land

What really called my attention about this poem was how long it was, because I have always thought that poems were kind of short. This poem broke all my perceptions about poems characteristics with its lenght.

Another thing that called my attention was the mixture of languages. Although I do not understand what he wanted to say in those parts, I really liked this mixture, because we could see that this poet knew a lot of things. I could say that T. S. Elliot liked to mix things, because he also talks about mythology.

I also liked some lines like “April is the cruellest month” and “In the mountains, there you feel free”, because he uses Nature to provoque emotions in the reader, I mean he uses specific moments and places, which are emotional to most people.

To conclude I would like to say that this poem has been one of the most difficultones to understand, even though we read and heard it in class. I still can not get the real meaning or purpose of this poem.

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