viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009

What women want most?

I think that what women want in today’s world, is to be respected by men and be treated as human beings with the same rights that men have, because women are not made just to clean, take care of the children or serve to their husbands, we also work and do things that we enjoy or want to do.

We want to be treated with respect and also be understood as a person with thoughts and feelings and not as sexual objects without opinions, because we are just like men and even better. We are better than men, because we work, do the chores of the house and raise and take care of our children.

Having read Chaucer’s poem “The Wife of Bath”, we can see that what women used to want in those times is not much different from what we want in today’s world. In both ages we want to be respected and considered as human beings with the same rights that men have, because we are not different, we have opinions and feelings just like a man.

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